Friday, June 24, 2011

My Ugly Bathroom

So, you know how when your bathroom mirror falls off the wall and shatters into a million pieces, and then you decide the bathroom really needs a good cleaning so you scrub it with a toothbrush, then you find a leak in the sink and a rotted out cabinet . . .

You know when all that happens, so you decide to take a bunch of pictures of your bathroom, so that you can write a blog post about it.  Because, let's face it.  When is your bathroom ever going to be THAT clean again??

Then you procrastinate writing a blog post about it.  Because, let's face it.  Who really wants to see pictures of your disgusting bathroom?

Then you see that DIY Network has a contest.  The winner gets a room renovated by Robert Van Winkle.

That's right Vanilla Ice, baby!

Ya, that's right.  I said Vanilla Ice.  He's the guy that sang that song.  You know the one.
Go Ninja, Go Ninja, Go!  Ninja, Ninja Rap !

That's the one.

He sang something else too . . .

I can't tell you how awesome it is that my 4 year old son knows exactly who Vanilla Ice is.  He's the guy with the decorating show . . .

Anyway, when you have all those pictures of your sad looking, desperate for a remodel bathroom, and Vanilla Ice is looking for a sad looking, desperate for a remodel, room . . . what other choice do you have?

You must enter your bathroom into the contest.  Even though you have no chance of actually winning.

Then being all pathetic and desperate you must blog about it as a not so sneaky way to beg for votes . . .

Hint hint.  Click here.  Vote 5 stars.

Ahem.  As I was saying.

My bathroom sure is ugly!